
December 6, 2017 | 12:00 – 12:45 pm EDT | Live Webinar with Q&A

Why Proper Design Helps to Optimize Wireless LAN Usage


Still not 100% certain on how to design Wi-Fi that meets all requirements necessary for an efficient 802.11 network?

 You are not alone. The challenges presented in designing and implementing wireless networks are caused largely by the unbounded and unlicensed nature of 802.11 usage in combination with the ever-changing technologies and user demands.

 Join this webinar to discuss ways to design and maintain robust Wi-Fi networks that do not fail under ever-increasing business applications and corporate network traffic.


  • Introduction 
  • Wireless challenges :  The unlicensed spectrum | Wi-Fi traffic | Non-Wi-Fi interference | Key Challenges in Wi-Fi
  • Better Wi-Fi through design
  • The Ekahau solution
  • Next steps,  Q&A

Bryan Harkins

Training and Enablement Manager

Bryan Harkins is the Training and Enablement Manager for Ekahau.  He has vast experience in Wi-Fi design, deployment and troubleshooting as well as in IT education.  Bryan is a Certified Wireless Network Expert (CWNE) and member of the CWNE advisory board.  He is also on the board of advisors for 802Secure, a wireless security company. 

You may recognize him as the author of the Sybex CWSP study guide, or from one of his many speaking engagements around the world such as, Secure World Expo, IP Expo, the Signal Corp IT Symposium or Wi-Fi Trek.  Bryan has designed wireless networks and security for many Fortune 100 companies, governments, banks and even for submarines.

Twitter: @80211University

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Why Proper Design Helps to Optimize Wireless LAN Usage

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