The first step in creating the infrastructure of a network is to design it. Together with our design partners we carefully analyse your requirements and lay foundations of the network that will be implemented, either structured cabling or a complex network which can be spread locally.
We offer you design and consultancy services for different phases of your projects:
1. Prefeasibility
The prefeasibility study:
- General data;
- The need and opportunity of the investment;
- Technical and economic scenarios to reach the objectives of the investment project;
- Data regarding the location and the site of the investment object;
- Cost estimate of investment;
- Permits and agreements in principle;
- Drawings of pieces;
2. Feasibility
The feasibility study:
- General data;
- General information regarding the project;
- Cost estimate of investment;
- Cost-benefits analysis;
- Financing sources of investment;
- Forecasting the labour force of investment;
- Investment’s main technical and economic indicators;
- Permits and agreements in principle;
- Drawings of pieces;
3. Activity book
Each construction work has a certain profile, therefore the activity books are drawn up for each of them, using, if possible, parts, sections, chapters, etc. written before, checked, and adjusted to the new technical conditions of the work and observing the technical prescription in full force and effect.
A work chapter in the activity book will mention:
- Calculation method summary sheets for dimensioning the construction and installation elements;
- Summary of the technical drawings;
- The physical, chemical, appearance, quality, tolerance, tests, etc. characteristics of the materials needed in the work, indicating the standards;
- Dimension, form, appearance and description of the work execution;
- Order of execution, tests and inspections of the work;
- Standards, norms and other prescriptions to be followed for materials, equipment, works, execution, mounting, tests and inspections.
- Conditions for reception, measurements, appearance, colours, tolerance, etc.
4. Technical project
The technical execution project is based on the feasibility study / documentation for authorization, the phase of approving the technical and economical indicators, the main elements and solutions of the work, and of receiving all permits and agreements in principle, in due form of law. The technical project will be done by the terms of H.G. no. 28 / 2008 and will have the following structure:
Written parts:
- General data;
- General description of the works;
- Activity book;
- Lists of works;
- General graph of public investment;
These are the main documents of the technical project, are the bases for the written parts, and contain all information needed for putting together the activity book:
- General drawings;
- Main drawings of objects;
Designing data communication and electric networks:
- Infrastructure and data communication;
- Fibre optic networks;
- Structured phone or data copper networks;
- Electrical installation for telecommunication networks;
- Electrical transformer points;
- Aerial and underground electrical networks with nominal voltage no higher than 20kV;
- Interior electrical installations;